Being a working parent is like being a superhero. Managing your responsibilities at work and a family at home tends to put you in a high pressure and stressful environment. However, between all the work pressure and home making, have you ever wondered if your child is getting enough attention, guidance and support to nurture their creativity, trigger their imagination, explore their options and rise to their true potential? This is where the uniquely curated, ‘TIPS – Day Care and After School Assistance Program’ comes to the aid of the parents.
The growing up years is very important, as this is the time that shapes and develops the personality of the kid. Developing hobbies are one way to ensure that the kid is well prepared to understand himself and express his thoughts and feelings through appropriate activities that are in sync with his inherent interests.
Here the focus is around art, music, dance, computer skills, karate, keyboard classes etc. Most of these require mental activity and alertness. These are the very factors that ensure that children evolve and develop emotionally, mentally and physically.
So, keeping your child active and busy is vital for his holistic development. So, the objective is to offer constructive options to the kid so that he can enjoy his pastimes and enrich himself.
This TIPS Day-care, After School Assistance Program & Weekend Hobby Classes offer your family just the right solution and can provide kids with unique opportunities they may not get elsewhere.