What is Cambridge International AS & A level curriculum?
The Cambridge Advanced Level or A Level is a pre-university programme conducted by the prestigious Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE), United Kingdom. The Cambridge A Level programme is the gateway to the most prestigious universities worldwide.
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced (A) Levels are excellent preparatory qualifications with international standards; they provide an exceptional base for university education across the world. They are offered by CIE, Cambridge University, London, and are part of the Cambridge Advanced stage. It is in alignment with the Plus One and Plus Two programs of the Indian curriculum.
At TIPS we strive to promote a curriculum that brings success for learners. The AS & A level prepares learners for university study, which is why universities worldwide value and recognise Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications.
Cambridge International AS & A Level develops learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills in:
- In-depth subject content
- Independent thinking
- Applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations
- Handling and evaluating different types of information source
- thinking logically and presenting ordered and coherent arguments
- making judgements, recommendations and decisions
- presenting reasoned explanations, understanding implications and communicating them logically and clearly
- working and communicating in English.
Choice of subjects for AS & A Level:
Five subjects must be chosen at AS & A Level *
* For more information on the course details, please refer to : https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-advanced/cambridge-international-as-and-a-levels/